The Renewable Energy Company

The Renewable Energy Company


Local Organisations and Charities.

We believe in giving back to the community, there are many ways we do this, but we believe it firstly starts with understanding our communities and the needs they have. We are proud to partner with multiple organisations and charities across community based projects in the heart of Essex.



We partner with local schools, sports clubs, charities and community resources to create tangible ways that we can share our time, experience and money in the places and people that need it the most.

We have three main ways we give back to our community.

We invest a fixed % of all profits generated by the company to charitable causes and organisations.

We deliver in-community projects including charity fundraisers, community information days and community infrastructure investment.

We offer employment to the local communities we serve with a commitment to at least 50% of our staff being employed from the local community.

Local Community


Finally, we believe that we are in an energy crisis, and we understand that some peoples financial situations do not enable them to currently seek alternatives such as products we have available, however, that doesn’t mean we are not able to help, we are energy experts and through years of combined experience have techniques and strategies to help people reduce their energy consumptions. This begins with understanding what elements cause the most energy deficiency and by slight adjustments to lifestyle can reduce bills and save money. We will be holding local community days to provide this education to the local community and having specialist speakers to assist in this complicated area.